Explosoft GPS tracking system will provide Vehicle Usage Report, Mileage Details Report, Road Plan Report, Speed Chart Report, Overspeed Chart Report etc. Soon, new features that will be installed, such as a delivery schedule and toll management module.

The main specialty of Explosoft's product is that they develop their own software. This takes place in Cyberjaya, their data center. “When everything is done here, we have the advantage to respond to customers’ demands or feedback as soon as possible and highly efficiently. Apart from that, our system will update in ten second intervals. Typically, other GPS based systems update between one to five minutes only,” said Leong.

This advanced technology (GPS) is using a SIM Card which enables it to function as a live tracking unit. Live tracking allows fleet owners to receive reports anytime and anywhere.  For this only RM25 will be charged every month. The total of RM300 per 12 months, will be deducted once a year. Explosoft is cooperating with Celcom and Maxis as their SIM Card supplier.   

Leong  is confident "Our products will never be 100% complete, as we sometimes add new features, according to customers’ ideas and needs. The brand building takes quite some time to be accepted in the market. as there is huge competition.  We offer a two week trial of our GPS product because we want to create interest and understanding toward the features installed.”

Compatible with IOS, Android
With real time tracking in your smart phone you can get the latest information from your vehicle fleet or assets at any time and any place. You can as well check for alarms in case one of your drivers is in distress or remotely control your trucks. It is definitely as smart as your phone.
Leong also pointed out that there is a free demo version available on the company's website. The website also offers the option to generate quotations.