The “Know Your Blind Spots” campaign and its corresponding activities look to create awareness among road users and truck drivers on identifying blind spots and practicing proper road etiquette. It aims to provide drivers information on road rules, safe driving knowledge and ways to avoid blind-spot crashes while encouraging them to take more notice of other road users. The campaign also educates all other road users on the steps required to manage and reduce their own personal risk by understanding the blind spots around a truck.

“Stop, Look & Wave” activities are geared towards raising children’s awareness on behaving safely in traffic via the use of specially developed training kits. Part of the Volvo Group’s global campaign, the initiative offers interactive training and user material for children as well as educators, youth group leaders, police officers and other people who work with children.

“The word safety is built into our brand heritage and culture - it is part of our Volvo DNA,” said Mats Nilsson, Managing Director of Volvo Malaysia Sdn Bhd. “We believe that prevention is better than anything, thus, apart from building the safest trucks, we also promote initiatives such as ‘Know Your Blind Spots’ and ‘Stop, Look & Wave’ to create awareness and educate the public about road safety.”

He added that Volvo Trucks had interacted with numerous truck drivers over the years. These drivers, he said, frequently commented on how vehicles cut out in front of their trucks without being aware of the presence of blind spots. Frequent communication with and feedback from these drivers gave birth to collaboration with a truck group called ‘Trucks and Buses Community of Malaysia’, who share the same concerns on safety and have extended much support by becoming Volvo Trucks Safety Ambassadors.

“When an accident happens, trucks drivers are always blamed,” continued Mats. “We decided to champion their cause via our ‘Know your Blind Spots’ campaign, which has received strong support from SPAD, JPJ and MIROS.

“The objective of this initiative is to remind truck drivers as well as the public on the existence of blind spots and how it is the responsibility of each and everyone of us to play our part in keeping roads safe for all users.”  

The winner of the recently concluded Fuelwatch Challenge, 38-year-old Zulkifli bin Saad of Prifaria Sdn Bhd, agrees. “Both Fuelwatch and Volvo Trucks ‘Know Your Blind Spots’ has taught me the importance of road safety and how everyone has a responsibility to keep each other safe on the roads. These events have helped me further understand and be more conscious of my surroundings when sharing the road with other users,” said Zulkifli.

The Lafarge Truck competition revved-off July 18 in Perak before moving to Selangor on July 20 and Johor on July 24. A total of 23 Lafarge drivers used Volvo trucks to show off their safe-driving skills and abilities in front of competition judges comprising official Volvo Group trainers.