GAUSSIN Presents the World's First 100 Percent Hydrogen or All-electric "Skateboard"

Created: 22.June 2021

GAUSSIN presents the world's first "skateboard" for class 8 tractor and straight trucks, ranging from 18t to 44t – either hydrogen or all-electric - for long haul and short haul applications. It consists of a rolling, versatile and modular platform designed for the various market players wishing to have access to a hydrogen and electric platform for clean and intelligent transport. To accelerate time-to-market, Gaussin plans a global rollout as early as 2021 through an assembly and marketing licensing program.

The skateboard contains the key components and systems to produce next-generation road trucks, including an ultra-light chassis developed by Magna that weighs 400 kg less than other chassis on the market, as well as hydrogen tanks, fuel cells, electric motors, drives, axles and suspensions.

The primary objective of the zero-emission skateboard is to accelerate the transition to clean and intelligent solutions for freight transportation.The skateboard tractor and carrier are available in two versions: a long-distance hydrogen version with a hydrogen refueling time of less than 20 minutes for a range of 800 km; and an all-electric version for short distances with a battery change time of 3 minutes for a range of 400 km.

Global road truck players will be able to access these platforms as early as 2021 in order to integrate their own cabs, software and equipment configurations – making the skateboard the core truck technology for a variety of applications such as transporting semi-trailers, boxes, tippers, tanks or drums with capacities ranging from 18 to 44 tons.
Gaussin's ambition is to become the reference platform in the road truck field by developing a large community of technological, regional and commercial partners and by facilitating its integration through documentation, training and standardization of the various mechanical and software interfaces.

Examples of technologies integrated into the skateboard to facilitate its adoption include a universal plate to attach equipment to the skateboard, and an open interface for external autonomous driving software.

The Gaussin Group is creating a road truck subsidiary and allocating dedicated resources to meet the specific needs of the sector. Gaussin's objective is to produce the skateboard through a network of licensees in order to accelerate its international deployment. An ambitious program of 41 licenses over 36 months would enable
Gaussin to capture 5% of the clean-energy truck market, or cumulative sales of 450 000 vehicles by 2031.

“For the first time in the world of heavy trucks, GAUSSIN has created a versatile platform enabling the various players in the sector to achieve an extremely rapid time-to-market. The solution will enable them to save precious time in project development, at a time when the heavy goods vehicle