Fuel Theft is Unlikely to go away any Time Soon!

Costing transporters their profits, this practice continues to burden the industry. However, there is a stopper for this malpractice that prevents this from happening.
Siphonblock Aft, the Malaysian anti-siphon device maker, reports substantially higher enquiries and sales for its wide range of anti-siphon devices since July this year. WK Chong, Siphonblocks’ Managing Director, commented that increased demand was not just for trucks, but also for construction and agricultural machinery. “The principle is the same for all of these: thieves take a few litres every day and this accumulates. It is made possible by not having an anti-siphon device installed,” he explained.
With diesel fuel prices getting back up to price levels seen before the pandemic, the incidence of 'skimming', the theft of between 5-10 litres on a regular basis, seems to be increasing. This can be very expensive over the long term if the fuel tank neck has no physical barrier.
Siphonblock's galvanised steel double-barrelled devices, will stop fuel theft from the tank neck, where 90 percent of fuel theft is believed to come from. Siphonblock devices are made for a wide variety of diesel powered heavy vehicles.
Contact WK Chong - 016 209 7783 or Graham – 019 553 9195 for latest pricing and stock availability. For more information: www.siphonblock.com