Thammasat School of Engineering Prepares Students for Automotive Industry

Thammasat School of Engineering (TSE), located in the Khlong Luang District in Thailand, has introduced its new AUTO-TU courses to better equip the engineering students with skills that will prove beneficial to their career paths in the commercial vehicle industry.
AUTO-TU courses, offered under the school’s TEP-TEPE program, are aimed to teach students to base their mechanical engineering knowledge as a foundation for their desired career paths. The four-year TEP-TEPE program is carried out at the Rangsit campus in the first two years, while the remaining two years of the program are carried out at the Pattaya campus. The courses offered in the program have piqued the interest of many students and are conducted in student-centered classrooms. To name a few, the courses include Thermodynamics, Mechanical Vibration, Fluid Dynamics, Design of Commercial Vehicles, and Management of Automotive Manufacturing Process, the last two of which are taught in the English language. These courses have been designed to give birth to successful graduates that can contribute to Thailand’s S-Curve policy–the mission to develop the nation as a hub for producing electric vehicles. Additionally, TSE also offers a course on V-TECH that equips students with knowledge on automotive technology, conducted in the national language.
The AUTO-TU program also gives the opportunity for students to join an internship program at TSE’s alliance and domestic and international world-class industries and companies for between two and three months. Students will also have the option to secure employment at TSE’s partnership company, Siam Motors Group, for three years after completion of the program is successful.