Is⁺ an effective aid in reducing the risk of corona infection?

It should also be noted that the fan used in the⁺ operates at only about 2/3 of its air
exchange capacity in nominal operation. This design keeps the noise level low in nominal operation
(1,150 m³ at about 80m²). Otherwise, there might be a tendency among users to turn down the
volume flow rate too far in classrooms or meeting rooms.Executive Summary
In addition to hygiene rules, keeping a distance and wearing community masks, measures for
stopping the rapid increase in corona infections include airing out rooms and the use of portable air
Portable air purifiers can be very effective in minimizing the risk of indirect infection.
But there are
several things to consider that are important for the effectiveness of an air purifier in the context of a
The⁺ has therefore undergone close examination. Including practical tests at the Münster
university clinic, which were carried out by Hybeta GmbH, an accredited independent test lab.
Conclusion:⁺ passes the test.
During the past weeks, new analyses and recommendations for controlling corona infections have
appeared almost daily. Extensive studies are published, sometimes leading to controversial
discussions. Various experts publish reports to analyze what is happening around us and to derive
remedial measures. Portable air purifiers play a central part in the measures under discussion.
The flood of information on this subject is not easy to digest, and it is even more difficult to draw
correct and appropriate conclusions. But many decision-makers are wondering what they can or
must do to reduce the risk of infection within their area of responsibility.
The goal of this white paper is to summarize the most important aspects concerning portable air
Background – Why do we Need a Portable Air Purifier?
The transmission of SARS-CoV-2 viruses is attributed primarily to droplets exhaled by infected people. The smallest of these droplets, which contain infectious viruses, form so-called aerosols, which can remain in suspension for a very long time. It is astounding how many viruses there can be
in the air exhaled by a “spreader”. If there is a spreader in the room, the infectious aerosols
accumulate in the indoor air.
Inhaling such infectious aerosols is currently considered the most important cause of indirect
infection with the corona virus and its rapid spreading. The decisive factors for such a possible
infection are the viral load – the concentration of viruses in indoor air – and the duration of one’s
stay in that atmosphere.
If the viral load cannot be reduced sufficiently by frequent airing out or a central ventilation system,
the use of portable air purifiers is recommended. The goal of an air purifier in this case must be to effectively reduce the concentration of aerosol droplets in the air. If that is successful, then one can
also minimize the risk of indirect infection with the corona virus.
What is Important here, and what can⁺ do?
A portable air purifier draws in the air in a room, filters out any contaminations as thoroughly as possible, and then distributes clean air back into the room. But the machine can fulfill its purpose
only if the result can be proven in practice. For this purpose, was tested in practical
operation at the Münster university clinic (UKM) by Hybeta GmbH, an accredited independent test
lab. Hybeta based its test on the DIN EN ISO 14664-1 standard for the design of
a) Filtration
For especially effective filtration, most experts recommend HEPA filters with a filtration efficiency class of H14. What does that mean? HEPA filters belong to the class of highest-quality air filters and
are used for example in hospitals and cleanrooms. Such filters are tested in accordance with the EN
1822-1 standard. H14 stands for a minimum filtration efficiency of 99.995 % for all relevant particle
sizes, and therefore also in the especially important range of less than 1 µm. This is the order of
magnitude that is relevant for infectious aerosols. And: droplets of this size additionally have the
capability of penetrating very deeply into the lungs when inhaled.
How can⁺ help here?
The filter system used in the passed the test as a HEPA filter with filtration efficiency class
H14 according to EN 1822-1. But that is not all: the use of a HEPA filter only makes sense if it seals
properly and is installed without being damaged – this is essential for the user, because otherwise
the filter capacity of the machine would not be achieved despite the use of a high-quality filter.
b) Air Exchange Capacity and Effectiveness in Indoor Air
In general, it holds that the more clean air the air purifier can supply, the lower are the particle
concentrations. In practice, however, this is limited by various factors. For use in classrooms, meeting
rooms, etc. it is recommended to optimally have a volume flow rate that corresponds to 6 times the
room volume (the so-called “air exchange rate”). Other experts claim that an air exchange capacity of
1 000 m³/h is necessary to achieve sufficient reduction of virus-carrying aerosols from a spreader in
the room.
In addition to the calculated reduction effect, air exchange is also necessary, since turbulent air flow
ventilation can also be achieved by using a portable air purifier. This means that the clean air is
distributed quickly and evenly, so that the concentration of droplets is reduced to the same level
everywhere in the room.
How can⁺ help here?
The machine has a nominal volume flow rate of 1,150 m³/h. According to the above relationship, it is
therefore possible to achieve an air exchange rate of 6 times per hour in rooms with a size of up to
about 200 m³. In combination with the aforementioned filter class, it is obvious why the
achieved such impressive air purification results in the practical test at the UKM.
The basic load in the meeting room used for the test, which had a size of 141 m³, was reduced by
between 94 and 95 % in 60 minutes of operation. That corresponds to a reduction of the basic load
from class 8 to class 7 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1. It is important not to confuse the purification effect achieved in the room with the filter efficiency (H14 or ≥ 99.995 %, see above). Because what the filter achieves on its own is more of a theoretical
variable for the user. The decisive factor is the effect in the indoor air, which was the focus of the
practical test at the UKM.
It is noteworthy that this was achieved in the case of particles with a size of 0.5 µm, which is relevant
for the transmission of viruses. In addition, this reduction was confirmed at all 10 measurement
points, which proves the consistent efficiency of the throughout the entire room.
The⁺ features HEPA filter class H14 and a nominal volume flow rate of 1,150 m³/h. In
practical tests by an accredited independent test lab, this achieves particle reduction between 94 and
95 % in reproducible conditions. These tests are based on a relevant particle size of 0.5 µm.
The⁺ is therefore indeed a proven aid in reducing the risk of corona infection.