Just like any other special purpose vehicle, the FUSO ATHENA addresses a very specific need for a very narrow range of missions. In this case, however, it is a mission that nobody hopes will ever arise and where the truck may see a lot of idle time.

It is a concept vehicle, so the makers do not provide detailed specs, but Asian Trucker managed to secure some more information about the ATHENA. It was recently on display at the 46th Tokyo Motor Show.

ATHENA is FUSO’s response to the growing number of natural disasters in Japan and the rest of the world. Seeing the need for a rapid response rescue vehicle adapted for a wide array of tough emergency situations, the Oem took the already versatile and durable Canter to create ATHENA. In designing ATHENA, FUSO collaborated with Kokushikan University, an institution that has long-established expertise in the field of disaster prevention and emergency rescue. More specifically, Professor Ken Tsuhako and his Rescue Lab seminar team provided valuable insight during the joint development of the concept vehicle.

The compact size and mobility of the ATHENA enables it to be quickly dispatched to disaster-stricken areas. It is equipped with military-grade high-standard wheels, allowing it to be operated both on and off-road with heavy loads. In special instances, a motorcycle installed at the back-end of the vehicle could be used to reach narrow, impassable, or mountainous locations. The front side of the ATHENA features a shovel that can be used to clear debris, while the cabin is equipped with microphones to warn of dangers ahead.

"ATHENA is still an in-progress project, but we are working on turning it into a tool that can used in real-life situations in Japan. AT MFTBC, we are committed to advancing technology that not only has a purpose for business, but also contributes to solving the challenges faced by societies around the world," a FUSO spokesperson commented.