A collaboration between Social Community Technology (Socoe) and Sarawak Lorries Transport Association will enable the providence of an online presence for truck and logistic companies in the state. The collaboration strives to elevate transportation services to better connect and improve the industry. The association which currently has more than 400 members will be able to stay connected via a platform which displays all their business information as well as allow fellow members to interact with one another online.

Minister of Infrastructure Development and Transportation, Dr James JemutMasing said the venture makes things easier for his ministry especially in monitoring industry players and quicken the process of identifying any problems or issues that needed to be resolved immediately. “When we have so many things going around in Sarawak, it is easier for us to know what the problems that the community encounter are. We have to move on. Business changes, if we do not change, we will be left behind,” he concluded.

Present at the event were Marcus Chai (Socoe Chief Operations Officer), Phur Pui Ann (Sarawak Lorries Transport Association Chairman), Dr James JemutMasing (Minister of Infrastructure Developent and Transportation), Peter Wong (RH Vision Managing Director) and Samuel Wong (Socoe founder and Chief Executive Officer).