Microsleep is a common experience many have encountered on a monotonous long distance drive. Petronas DaganganBerhad (PDB), together with Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad and Road Safety Department Malaysia (JKJR) have joint forces to educate the public on the danger of microsleeping through a campaign called ‘Stay Alert, Stay Hydrated’.

The campaign offers the beverage combo comprising of a can of 240ml Nescafé and a 600ml bottle of mineral water at RM3.50. It is currently available at over 700 Petronas stations with ‘KedaiMesra’ stores from now until 31st December 2018.

PDB’s Managing Director and CEO, Dato’ Mohd Ibrahimnuddin Mohd Yunus said, “Dozing off behind the wheel is a common experience especially those who have to drive long hours. Through this campaign, we hope to remind motorists to always stay alert and hydrated by offering this beverage combo at a discounted price.”
Kumaran Nowuram, Business Executive Officer of Nestlé Malaysia shared the same thoughts and added that drivers should take regular breaks. He also reiterated that Nestlé is proud to promote road safety with PDB and JKJR.

According to JKJR, fatalities from road accidents reached over 7000 in 2016. PDB’s collaboration with Nestlé and JKJR is a natural progression from their long-standing partnership in carrying out the annual Coffee Break campaign. PDB also carries out the Petronas Streetsmart programme, targeting primary and secondary students to educate them on the importance of road safety.