Proud of his successes in the country, Mueller called for a last press conference on 27th April to announce his retirement to the assembled media representatives.
"It is a good feeling to be retiring, however, it is also a sad moment for me," he said during the gathering.

Now 62 years old, Mueller came on board MAN Malaysia in September 2013. Prior to that, he has held various positions in MAN including Senior Vice President of Sales Management, Senior Vice President of International Key Accounts and CEO for MAN France.

During his five years in the country, MAN Truck & Bus nearly doubled its sales and has seen the entry into new segments. "The delivery of some 65 rescue trucks to APAM (Civil Defence) was surely the highlight of my time here. Hearing the praise for the trucks from the commanders receiving the vehicles was a truly proud moment."

According to him, meeting the different people here in Malaysia had the biggest impact on him. It is therefore not a surprise that he plans to stay on for a few months to now explore Malaysia in depth. "You to to Penang for a meeting and come back. So, you have been there, but not seen it. Now I really want to explore this beautiful country."

When asked what the biggest challenges will be for the brand after his departure, Mueller pointed out that one major local player had just acquired the rights to the sole distributorship of another German truck brand. "These people are not just going to put that brand onto a shelf. They will aggressively grow it and MAN will need to find products to match that." Besides local competition, Mueller also said that the changing demands arising super-growth in E-Commerce will have an impact on the entire supply chain. Where previously, large amounts were delivered to brick and mortar stores, now goods are delivererd to the door-steps of individuals.

Pending the appointment of a replacement and to ensure a smooth transition, Jerome Wong, General Manager of Sales and Marketing; and Thayalan Subramaniam, Head of Aftersales will assume acting leadership roles.

Spencer Tan, Managing Director of Importer Center, MAN Truck & Bus Asia Pacific said “Mueller has shown exceptional leadership during his five-year tenure with MAN Malaysia. Under his management, the company has seen robust and consistent growth in Malaysia and he has also help positioned the MAN brand prominently amidst a very competitive landscape. On behalf of the management team, I want to sincerely thank Mueller for his dedicated service to MAN”.