This European truck manufacturer remains competitive with all new features for their trucks and a online backend that is to assist fleet operators to be more efficient. This man of MAN Malaysia is no longer someone new to Asian Trucker readers; he is someone that has been with MAN for almost 15 years now: Mr Hartmut Müller, Managing Director of MAN Truck and Bus (M) Sdn Bhd. We interviewed him at IAA 2016, where he was joined by clients from Malaysia.

“IAA is always the biggest show in the trucking industry, hence, it’s very important to attend or to be present in order to meet old customers, new customers, colleagues, competitors, and to have discussions on what’s new rolling into the markets. I believe every two years, there will be something exciting in the trucking industry from all over the world, that is why I am here,” said Müller.

This year, MAN Truck and Bus (M) Sdn Bhd took 15 customers from Malaysia to IAA, and as for this year, they have chosen customers only from the long- haul industry to see what is the future of the truck in Europe.

EfficientLine 3
It is a evolution of a truck that started in 2010, when MAN was thinking about what can be done to reduce fuel consumption by looking into the various components of the vehicle.
For this year, the MAN TGX Efficient Line 3 is on display. With the help of consistent advancements in the development of the fuel economy concept, MAN has succeeded in launching a highly efficient truck on the roads. Moreover, it is more optimised with respect to fuel consumption and more environment-friendly than ever before. Buyers will benefit from an attaractive price-performance ratio, lower their total cost of ownership (TCO) and maximise profit. This generation of the EfficientLine managed to reduce fuel consumption by a further 6.5 %.

Arriving at the airport in Hannover, one can see this MAN solution advertised throughout the arrivals and departures. It is an IT product that offered for the transportation industry and is designed to sync with Apps provided by other players in the industry. It is also an open platform which runs potentially on every vehicles. The idea is to provide an uniform interface for the logistics industry to then have all the services provided thru the device that will manage the whole fleet and provide decision support. Moreover, fleet owners do not have to install any software on board of the truck. As of now, RIO is only available for trucks meeting the Euro 6 emmission norms.

Asia Night
“This time round we have a bigger international crowd, as we invited customers not only from countries from the Asia Pacific region, but we also have countries outside of Europe, Afirica, middle east, Asia and Australia,” said Mr Muller. “Later, there will be an award ceremony for our customers and one of the fleet owners from Malaysia is receiving the award,” he added.

Nozomi Logistics (M) Sdn Bhd
It was an invitation from MAN Truck and Bus (M) Sdn Bhd to bring Mr Thomas Tan, Managing Director and his team. This was his second trip to IAA. “It is good to be here because it’s like a window to the latest innovative ideas and to the latest updates of what is going on in the world of logistics. Everything here is more advanced, of course, an eye opener for everyone that comes to this expo,” said Tan.

“My business relationship with MAN Malaysia has been more than five years now. At the moment, I have more than 30 trucks from MAN and definitely more to come in the near future. Apart from the best quality that no one can deny, it is the hard work and effort that is being put in by Mr Müller and the team that convinces us. I am a satisfied customers,” he added.