The demand for laminates with better characteristics have triggered an evolution that has made the Italian made Elycold and Elyplan fiberglass laminates, an optimal solution for recreational and temperature-controlled vehicles.

The IAA 2016 once again brings the massive crowd from all over the world to either source new and innovative components or to seek new ideas while being a part of this international commercial vehicle expo. We visited the booth of one of the leading companies in the field of fiberglass laminates for industrial and commercial sectors, the Italy based Brianza Plastica. At their booth we met Andrea Bollani, area manager, who has been working with the Company for four years. He is in charge of Eastern Europe, Australia and South East Asian Countries.

“For our business, we see stronger demand in the European and Australian markets. As we go further, we are aiming for China as a possible new market for the next growth phase of our business and we’re looking with great interest to Asian market”.

Brianza Plastica has three factories that produce handmade laminates, while a fourth site is relying on a higher degree of automation, as a consequence of the different product lines that are created in order to meet the requirements of clients around the world.

At the IAA 2016
According to Bollani, their booth is bigger than two years ago and it is a better opportunity for them to showcase all their various ranges of products. IAA is in fact a perfect opportunity to present and boost their brand names, Elycold and Elyplan and to present the new Elyplan embossed finishing, suitable for commercial vehicle sector.

“We do have different products ready and we would like to launch them, for example our flexible materials, but we need that customers know that the Company is ready to give an immediate feedback to all requests. We will introduce the new PVC for flooring, a fantastic application for the recreational vehicle (RV) sector, rather than trucks. Apart from that, we are also working on a few new projects for the development of our business,” he explained, keeping us in suspense as to what the Company has in store.

Bollani has been handling various overseas markets and with that come insights that are highly valuable. For instance, he acknowledged that “Language is one of the challenges for us when introducing the product into countries outside Europe, such as China or Japan. It is almost impossible to meet and present to small companies that are not export oriented in such Countries.” Communicating the benefits of Brianza Plastica’s products become a hurdle if one does not have a local agent there. “Naturally, we are always on the lookout for qualified local agents for better communication between all parties.”
“We are also looking forward to be part of MCVE next year in Kuala Lumpur. It is definitely a good opportunity for our business to grow,” he ended.