Tony Yew, Director of Sin Hock Soon Group, tells us that “The machine is very good; it cleans the parts very effectively.” This is echoed by his Workshop Executive, Lee Chin Yang, who told us that the Torrent Machine cleans the parts in much less than half the time one would previously need using other detergents or Diesel. When fixing trucks, Sin Hock Soon’s mechanics put the machine to use to clean mainly gearbox and engine parts, down to valves and washers. Here the machine runs every day, full day.

The Torrent machines are supplied by NCH under rental contracts, as Raimi, Senior Sales Executive, tells us. This is a typical arrangement for NCH Torrent products, which are from the UK. In order to set up the machine, one would only need about two square meters of space, compressed air and single phase electricity. As for the latter two components, these would be standard in any workshop. Once the parts are placed onto the tray in the machine, the lid is being closed and the operator would handle the parts and the spraying nozzle by placing his hands through the build-in gloves. All the cleaning takes part in a sealed off compartment of the machine, preventing any of the cleaning solutions to be spilled. This also means that the workers using the machine does not have to use any safety goggles as the cleaning takes place behind a transparent screen. Compared to other solvents, the Torrent is highly effective as it uses both, pressure and warm water with cleaning solutions to clean the parts.

Once a month, NCH will service the machine. All functions are being thoroughly checked and if need be, parts are being replaced. During this service, the cleaning solution will be topped up, the sludge collected from the container holding the water is being drained and finally, the machine is being given a proper cleaning. Handling the cleaning solution is simple as it is water based. “Every six months we need to change the liquids. In case of heavy usages, we do it every three months.” Raimi says. In case of any breakdowns, NCH offers a 24-Hour response to address any issues with their equipment.

Not only is the machine much more efficient, but it is also easy to use and much healthier. Using Diesel or other solvents, one would have to brush the parts in painstaking procedures. This would also expose the operators to the fumes from the solvent. “Any type of chemical would irritate your skin. Also, if you can smell it, it can harm you,” Raimi said further.
“I was aware that such machines exist and we decided to buy such machine some four or five years ago,” said Yew. This made Sin Hock Soon the first user of the NCH Torrent in the northern region. Following this, others came to have a look at the machine in the Sin Hock Soon workshop, also acquiring NCH’s Torrent. In terms of training, there is not much needed as the machine is more or less self explaining and easy to use. Right now, there are some 15 machines under Raimi’s supervision and he is confident that there will be more companies looking into the use of one in a bid to improve their operations.

Meanwhile, as Sin Hock Soon is expanding further, there will be an increased need for workshop time and Yew is planning to add another Torrent to be able to cope with the repairs having to be carried out. “These are challenging times, but together with partners like NCH, we can improve and remain competitive,” he said before heading out to check on things going on in the freight yard.