The first Shell road show in Malaysia was carried out in 2012 with the "Truck Recreation" concept which was a more fun based approach. This year, Shell has changed the theme a bit in order to highlighted more of Shell's technology.  The invited guests were Shell customers, distributors and prospect clients.

The Asian Trucker team joined the proceedings in Kulai Jaya, Johor to witness the second last stop for the road show. The road show comprises of a total of ten individual events all over Peninsular Malaysia and seven sessions in East Malaysia, making it a total of 17 events for this year. It has started in April from the North, making its way down South and the last stop is to be in Port Dickson.

During the events, a seminar is held as a communications channel to give clear information and reason about why everyone should  invest in Shell technology. Shell showcased how specially designed products can provide better lubrication and protection of engine parts in order to increase production and extending the lifespan of your equipment. The seminar also emphasized and demonstrated the different Shell lubricants and how they work in various applications and environments.
“We are very happy! The crowd for today's event is quite good as half of them are existing customers and we welcomed more new prospects that came to the seminar. The existing customers are more interested to know what else we can do for them other than providing  diesel for their trucks. The interest of  prospect customers is to get clear reasons on why they should invest in Shell and how their engine or equipment can perform longer and better,” said Alex Lim, Cluster Marketing Manager for Malaysia and Singapore.

“We want to continue gathering feedback from our customers about the road show because automatically it is something to add value to them. If it’s a yes, we will continue with this approach as our annual event and if we could do much better, we might try to do something different next year,” said Alex Lim.

During the road show, Shell is also promoting the "Heavyweight Champion", a global competition whereby six winners will be flying to London for the finals. Some 10 to 15 countries around the world have taken part in the global competition. The finals will be happening end of September and Asian Trucker will report about the event.