Singapore company, i Vision, is an innovator of smart solutions that are helping fleet owners bring older vehicles into the 21st century.

The automotive world is in a state of transition with new technologies emerging daily as the industry strives to make vehicles smarter and totally autonomous. Fleets of commercial vehicles and buses are of various ages and companies have different requirements so there is no ‘one solution fits all.’ This is why i Vision, a Singapore company, is an important player in this field. With their inhouse engineers for both software and hardware, they are customising products to meet the individual needs of clients.

Entertaining Systems “Established in 2003,” Managing Director Sebastian Peck explains, “i Vision began by making Media-On-Demand entertainment systems for buses and coaches. We grew from this to specialise in intelligent real-time fleet management and vehicle monitoring solutions. We have developed into an innovative and visionary technology focused company.”
i Vision‘s services include consulting, supply, installation, system integration, testing and commissioning. “We have focused on expanding our distribution networks, as well as providing partners and customers with new, innovative products and system solution. Our team of software and hardware engineers keep abreast of technology and market trends. They are testing and developing our own technology and products that we can use to provide customised solutions for our customers.”

Vehicles Tracking Video Management Systems One solution that i Vision has integrated is a vehicle tracking system. “It tracks what is happening with the truck. Is the driver speeding? Does it need an oil change? The system generates reports that can be read in the office. That is where we began,” Sebastian says, “but now, as vehicles become more complex, our solutions do much more than that. We’ve added a camera recording system that shows what is happening on the road. This is very valuable for insurance companies when an accident occurs – they can see what the cause was. It monitors the inside of the vehicle so if there is any dispute within the vehicle Management can see exactly what happened.”

With computers in vehicles generating a great deal of information, i Vision is providing more products to take advantage of the information. “Just for vehicle tracking, the computer provides much more information that is valuable for the owner to know. Our products keep up with these developments so they become of more value to the end user.”

Customised Solutions i Vision has provides customised solutions for their customers. “We work with a security company that transfers cash for their clients. They needed a solution that they couldn’t get off the shelf. By working with them and understanding their needs we were able to provide them with a customized solution that met their requirements.”

i Vision began in Singapore and now has customers in Malaysia and Myanmar. “We are also looking at Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines as possible markets to enter.”

Singapore Smart i Vision’s work in On-board diagnostics (OBD 2) allows them to do more with integrating various levels of technology. With a fleet that is made up of vehicles of various ages, i Vision can harmonise the systems so they are all able to communicate and provide the growing amount of data to the owners, so that the whole system becomes Smarter. The older vehicles can talk to the newer vehicles.

Sebastian points out that the company’s main focus is Singapore. “This is where most of our customers are. We are also onboard with the Singapore government’s efforts to make Singapore a Smart City. We are able to contribute to the integration of technology and assist in Smart nation building.”

i Vision continues to innovate and develop and so not only keeps up with rapidly improving products and technology, but contribute to the growth of this industry.