The second edition of the Asian Retread Conference (ARC) is well in lane for launch. The two day event will be held at Sime Darby Convention Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on October 2-3, 2018. Themed on “Better, Faster, Cheaper,” ARC 2018 will bring together some of the leading global players in tyre retreading under one roof to focus on the win-win features of the industry.

First of its kind in the region, ARC is organised by Asian Business Media (ABM), publishers of Tyre Asia, the popular international magazine on global tyre industry, and Epic Fresh, Malaysia, in association with Tire Retread and Repair Information Bureau (TRIB), USA. ARC proved to be a path-breaking conference on retreading industry when it debuted in 2016 at the same venue. It is now returning with greater opportunities for knowledge-sharing and networking.

Dato’ Mohamed Ishak bin Abdul Hamid, Chairman, ARC, said: “’’Retreaders Strike Back.” That’s how ARC 2016 ended, echoing the urgent need for the retreading industry to act with the advent and threat of cheap new imported tyres. The ARC 2018 tagline: BETTER, FASTER, CHEAPER captures in essence the actions needed for retreaders to remain competitive, relevant and to be the first choice of customers.”

As in 2016, the conference has a line-up of globally known industry experts as speakers. The final list is getting into shape. Currently, the list includes Dr Zairossani Mohd Nor, Malaysian Rubber Board, Adam Gosling, TyreSafe Australia, Sudharshan Varadaraj, Elgi Rubber Company, India, Rajiv Budhraja, Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association (ATMA), India, Dirk G.H. Reurslag, VMI, Holland, David Wilson, Retreading Business, UK, David Stevens, TRIB, USA, Colin Clarke, Schill + Seilacher “Struktol,' Germany, and Jos Uijlenbroek, Ferm RFID Solutions BV, Germany.

Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) is the Corporate Sponsor of ARC 2018. Other sponsors include Eversafe rubber, Elgi, Tyresoles, and Struktol, The event is supported by various international agencies, institutes and research centres.

ARC 2016 was a huge success, setting a benchmark for participation in a debut conference with over 250 delegates from across the globe. There was uniform opinion about the need for such a gathering of tyre retreading industry stakeholders to discuss future developments and challenges.
The second edition is being designed in such a way as to live up to the reputation it created two years ago.