Spirits were high as sync r&d prepared to send a group of its engineers to take part in the dynamic environment awaiting them at AiGEV 2014 (International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Energy Vehicle.

AiGEV 2014 was a 2-day event on August 26th and 27th and the first international conference of its kind in Malaysia organised by a public university. Seen as a platform to share and exchange information across academic institutions and R&D organizations, AiGEV was the perfect channel for researchers to present and publish their findings and to have direct contact with professionals from the field.

The event was organised by the Automotive Engineering Centre, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, with the help of co-organisers: Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI), East Coast Economic Region and Perodua. Stations were set up outside for various sponsors and participants such as Dream Wave, Keysight Technologies, Precision Laser Solutions,Focus Applied Technologies and East Coast Economic Region.

Four keynote speakers presented their progress and findings during the two day conference. The opening was granted to Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh , MD of Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd (Perodua) who discussed the various initiatives and activities that have been implemented in Perodua to help reduce the environmental impact in the manufacturing process and products themselves. Datuk Salleh was followed by Mr. Madani Sahari, CEO of MAI, who discussed about MAI’s involvement in the EV industry and the help they provide to encourage its continuous development. Second day began with Prof. Dr. Ing Maurice Kettner discussing the challenges in future Engine Development and the role Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences in Germany plays in overcoming them. The closing speaker was Professor Dr. Viswanatha Sharma Korada from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS who educated the public on the use of Nanofluids as coolant in automobile radiators.

Mr. Ganeson’s presentation was well received and was followed by many questions from the public in regards to the process and technology used, key partners involved as well as opportunity and interest for future collaboration and partnership for other projects.