Michelin Malaysia has launched its ‘Tyres Are Not Bananas” educational campaign to focus emphasis on tyre quality and care instead of preoccupation with the date of manufacture of the product as numerous research had proven that performance was not solely based on the age of a tyre.

Using bananas and its limited shelf life and freshness as an example, Michelin aims to educate motorists that the countdown on the life of the tyre began with the date of fitment and dedication to regular tyre care rather than an overemphasis on the date of manufacture.

Contrary to perception regarding expiry dates of other products, the ageing process of a tyre does not commence from the date of manufacture but rather from the time when it was first inflated and installed on a vehicle as tyres undergo the most stress when in use rather than in storage.

Quoting studies conducted in South Korea, Germany and Saudi Arabia, Michelin Malaysia Sdn Bhd managing director, Pascal Nouvellon said the research showed no difference in performance between newly manufactured tyres and those that have been unused for three years.

“A study conducted in Saudi Arabia revealed that a tyre used on a vehicle over two years showed the equivalent ageing to a tyre in storage for 10 years. Additionally, the characteristics of tyres stored for 20 years at 40 degrees celsius was similar to tyres run for 40,000km. The study concluded that tyres degrade 20 times more rapidly when used than when stored, even under extreme conditions,” Nouvellon added.

Another test on tyre wear conducted by the Korean department of Customer Protection revealed that tyre wear was identical on both new and unused three-year old tyres in high speed and stepped speed tests.

Tests conducted by ADAC, the German motorist’s organisation revealed that rolling resistance on newly manufacture tyres and unused tyres manufactured three years before were identical.

The Tyres Are Not Bananas promotional campaign from July 12 – August 4, 2017 will entail two teams of promoters visiting high traffic areas in the Klang Valley to create awareness among motorists and inviting them to join in a photo competition.

Participants will be presented with bananas, a contest card and Michelin premiums. The competition, run on Facebook, will entail a five-step process and require participants to post their most creative photograph of them posing with bananas, Michelin’s Bibendum or with the photo signage available from the promoters.

The 100 most creative photos will receive prizes ranging from movie tickets, Michelin travel bags, and petrol cards while three Grand Prize winners will each take home a set of Michelin tyres. More information can be found at www.facebook.com/MichelinMalaysia or www.michelin.com.my.

“We advocate attention on overall tyre care which includes maintenance of correct tyre pressure, proper alignment, inspection for damages and thread depth measurement. Tyres undergo lots of different stresses during their lifetime on a vehicle and poor road conditions, extreme heat and poor maintenance impact on tyre life and performance.

“All Michelin tyres come with a six-year warranty and we recommend that tyres older than 10 years from the date of manufacture be removed from service,” Nouvellon added.